Birkie/Back Update

TRUE, MY BACK IS NOT BROKEN, and I won’t die from the pain. But, and this is an important but, it is MY PAIN. And sometimes owning your pain means that you have to complain.

It has been 19 days since my fall.

My fall looked very different from this image below, but if you squint, and if you imagine that I am not doing a yoga pose, and if you imagine that I am not a woman and not that thin, and if you imagine that she is on the snow, then this imagine is purdy close:

This is not me, but still, I landed just like this.

And I landed on one of these babies:

My MacBook Inserted Itself Betwixt My Ribs

And here is my broken MacBook screen…

…A demonstration of my pain and frustration.

Since the fall, I re-injured it….twice. First, I sneezed on the fourth day of recovery and almost blacked out. Start over.

Second, I went for a long ski at Lake MacBride Nature Trail near North Liberty, Iowa, and I went a bit too hard. Start over.

I got smart and went to a chiro. That started me on the path to recovery. When Jason B (my doc) asked me to describe how my ribs felt, I gave him this picture:

I Am My Rib

This pic is of a William Morris glass sculpture titled: “Massai Woman” (2001). Morris is, by the way, the best glass artist in the world. He makes Dale Chihuly look like a second grader making “stained glass” using plastic beads.

My back feels better and now I plan to go for my third ski in a row. But only 3 easy laps at Ashton (9 km). Sadly, this meant that I missed Thursday night’s race at Ashton-at which my training partner Finn squished ’em like bugs.

Finn and Grant Col' Lampin'

I have decided to give up my 50 km Birkie dreams and shift to the more reasonable 25 km Korteloppet in Hayward, Wisconsin. Yes, I will go and blog and swear and ski and brag and whine.

But whatever!  I smirk at the Birk! I have less than two weeks, and so, and so I will keep you all posted on my progress. And thanks for the vote of confidence Jeff B. Keep those comments a comin’. Now I will focus on Friday’s Citizen Sprints in Hayward: sure my back hurts, but I can rip it for 200 meters–no breathing necessary.

Speaking of progress, I have been working on my form, especially V2, now that I have to go slow and not push it. Maybe I can turn my lemons into lemon meringue.

Later Skater!


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